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Planet Fitness Violates Public Health Law Resulting in Montgomery County Man’s Death


Basch Keegan & Spada gives surviving families a second chance after the loss of their loved one to the negligent act of Planet Fitness. Wrongful death lawsuits are not only about recovering damages for family members who have lost loved ones to tragedy. These cases also serve to protect the general public by holding corporations and other wrongdoers accountable for their negligent acts. Whether it be a product or an act that caused the fatality, it is important to determine the cause and hold that party responsible. 

In this particular case, corporate wrongdoing was the cause of our client's death. We worked to give the surviving family a second chance and to recover the financial damages that they deserve.

We held Planet Fitness accountable for failing to have an AED on the premises. This cost our client his life.

We can fight on your behalf and ensure that you and your family are protected in the event of the loss of a loved one to another's negligence.
