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Look for Basch Keegan & Spada’s New Bus Wrap on the Kingston Citibus

Basch & Keegan advertising poster on a city bus

Kingston Citibus routes connect people in the Hudson Valley to their desired destinations all year long, from summer heat to winter snow and everything in between.

There is something new to notice the next time you “hop on the bus”. Starting in February 2016, Basch Keegan & Spada are rolling out a brand new bus advertisement. It takes up almost the entire length of each side of the bus! Our previous ad received a lot of positive feedback from riders. Many were somehow convinced that they saw all the faces of our legal team along for the ride in the ad. We actually were not there!

But now we are! You can see all of us – attorneys Eli BaschMaureen KeeganDerek Spada, and John DeGasperis – standing together and smiling. When you are not in too much of a rush – maybe you’ll take a second to smile back at us!

Why? Because we love our Hudson Valley too. That’s why our personal injury law firm is right here. And we are as accessible to you as it is to easily step onto a Kingston Citibus. You can just pick up the phone and call us at (845) 251-4545 – we care about you and will take the time to answer all your questions if you or a loved one have experienced any injury or accident you feel should not have happened or was caused by someone else’s fault.

We know that while you may need to ride the bus every day – you might only need to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer once in a while. (Hopefully never!). If you ever do – just remember the name of the bus you ride on!

OK, it’s actually a Kingston Citibus – but you can pretend that it’s called the Basch Keegan & Spada Motorcoach. (Our name on the side is certainly BIG enough to imagine that!)

Some Hudson Valley Bus Fun Facts

If you ride the bus, here are a couple of bits of information that may be of interest to you:

  • Effective January 1, 2016, veterans ride the Kingston Citibus for free!
  • President Obama signed a transportation infrastructure bill at the end of the year, authorizing $61 billion to transportation, and hundreds of billions to improvements of infrastructure. Our Senator Chuck Schumer was instrumental in restoring funds that originally were cut as the bill passed through Congress. The bill is called Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, and is the first of its kind to be passed in the last decade!
  • When you ride the bus – not only do you and the other ‘people on the bus go up & down’ – you are also going Green and saving on fuel to help our planet.